WATT Solutions - Direct Mail, Printing & Fulfillment Services - London, Ontario Canada

DATA - Database Creation

Are you gathering the right information?

Whether you have your own database or need to develop one, the first step is to perform a data requirements analysis. This information will help you decide whether your current database contains the required information for your marketing programs.

Watt Solutions can assist you in developing the most cost-effective database for your needs. We can look at various ways of acquiring either new information on current customers, or simply find new ones, whether business to business or individuals.

Current Customer Profile Analysis
Database Population
Name Acquisition

These types of analyses may be one of the most critical steps of your entire direct marketing campaign. It requires time, effort and proper analysis to exceed campaign objectives. Solutions provided for these analyses are customised to each individual client requirements.

Sounds expensive? Could be… however, it doesn't have to be.
What if you look at it from a different angle - can you afford not to?

Retaining your best customers and finding new ones with the same profile may very well take your business to the next level.

Let Watt Solutions work with you to come up with multiple options to meet your budget restraints. The results could amaze you!

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